TATARA company was established in Poland in 1995 and is still developed in car care branch. We produce items which support our customers in car care - we make sponges, demisters, different mitts and many other products. Our leading item is NATURAL CHAMOIS LEATHER - known by all generation all over the world, best thing to keep your car dry without scratches and smudges. In our opinion natural chamois leather suits all car needs. The best quality genuine chamois leather, big enough to suits your needs in reasonable price. We offer real leather tanned with high grade oils. The leather we sell is vegatable tanned with fish oil and finished in hands, is biodegradable and enviroinment friendly. Used according to practical guides will work for many years. We are proud that we offer many different high quality items esp. washing and wiping mitts, sponges, pads, cloths and many, many more. Products we make are sold inhypermarkets, petrol stations, warehouses and small shops. Our business partners are also companies in Westers Europe. One of our best products - demister pad is great as promotional gifts. We prepare demisters with printing or ribbon with our customers brands - we make hundreds or thousands, for big and small companies in different markets - for automotive, pharmacy, insurance, car wash, service station, retailer. We prepare products with our TATARA label or private label, for request we personalize our products to customers needs.When you think CHAMOIS, you think TATARA.We invite you to visit our website and see our products in bookmark Products.